
Will AI Replace Copywriters

Written by Ted Tagalakis | Aug 28, 2023 10:41:00 AM

As ad tech continues to blow our minds, there is a growing concern among copywriters that Artificial Intelligence (AI), like ChatGPT, will begin to replace them. For what it's worth, we can see why they might think that. In some ways, it already has. We're seeing more and more agencies and brands use AI content generators to handle smaller copy tasks. These tasks, however trivial, would have once been the responsibility of a real copywriter, probably a junior copywriter. Now, copywriters everywhere are seeing these projects vanish from their daily to-do lists and thinking, "When will I be completely replaced?"

Here’s the simplified answer: Yes, AI will replace copywriters, but only the bad ones. The copywriters who can think and write in a way that cannot be replicated by online chatbots will be just fine. The ones who understand the heart and soul of their target audience, and know all the unwritten rules of crafting the perfect message, they have nothing to worry about. Those who know to ask the right questions and work across departments to improve the quality of their work, — yeah, they’ll still have their jobs. The work of a good copywriter will never be replaced, especially if they learn how to see AI-generated content as a writing tool, instead of competition. 

At the end of the day, AI can be a valuable tool for copywriters wanting to enhance their work and streamline their processes. And we’re going to tell you exactly how that is. So buckle up! Because we’re going to bust the myth that AI will replace copywriters wide open.

Artificial Intelligence, But Very Real Anxiety

There's a lot of buzz about the rise of AI in copywriting, and understandably so. Many copywriters are worried that they'll end up being tossed out and replaced like yesterday's lunch meat. But that's not necessarily the whole story. AI-generated copy may have its advantages, but it can't replace the creativity and human touch that only a skilled human copywriter can provide. Instead, both can work together to deliver better content.

The introduction of AI has transformed the copywriting game, that's for sure. Copy is now more efficient, accurate, and personalized than ever before. But that doesn't change the fact that copywriting remains a critical marketing skill that requires a unique set of talents and several years to master.

So this is our message to copywriters everywhere, "Don't be intimidated by AI. Instead, see it as your opportunity to take your craft to the next level. Learn to work with AI and use it to your advantage. Embrace it.”

What is AI and How Do Chat Bots Like ChatGPT Work?

There are many different types of Artificial Intelligence (AI), but in the case of writing, AI programs like Jasper, CopyAI, and ChatGPT are specifically designed to perform tasks that would normally require human intelligence. They’re powered by advanced natural language processing (NLP) technology, which uses a sophisticated algorithm to mimic the nuances of human language. They can analyze data, predict trends, and make decisions based on the infinite mountain of data found on the internet.

The basic idea behind AI writing tools is that the algorithm is trained on vast amounts of data, allowing it to recognize patterns in text and generate responses to questions and prompts. When you type a message into an AI chat, the model analyzes your input, understands what you're asking, and then generates a response based on the patterns it recognizes in your text. It can also use contextual clues to provide accurate and relevant responses.

The more people interact with the AI system, the more it learns and improves. This means that the algorithm will recognize patterns and generate better responses as it receives more input and data over time.

So It Can Copywrite, But Can It Copy Right?

AI language models are taking the copywriting industry by storm. While they can create written content that mimics certain styles and tones, let's face it - they write like robots.

Sure, AI can automate certain small tasks, like generating product descriptions for Google or suggesting bottom-funnel CTAs. It's good at that stuff. But when it comes to writing copy that resonates with audiences on an emotional level, it begins to fall short. AI struggles with humor, irony, or emotional resonance — aka, pretty much everything that makes good copywriting good.

There's no denying that AI is becoming more common in copywriting. It helps marketers write more quickly and accurately, and it can even offer ideas, phrasing suggestions, and content inspiration.

That said, there's still a human element to it. Content marketing is as much of a social process as it is a creative one. Think of all the emails, Slack threads, phone calls, and back-and-forth a copywriter addresses on any given day. AI may be able to write the description for a new Amazon product, but it can't attend meetings or fill in gaps in the brief. It can never replace the intuition, creativity, and empathy that only come from being human.

Exploring the Pros and Cons of AI Bots in Copywriting

ChatGPT and similar platforms have made progress in content writing, but they're not equipped to replace the creative process entirely. There are both pros and cons to AI content generation. Here are a few to consider:


— Efficiency: AI can create content faster than copywriters.

— Consistency: AI can provide a consistent — albeit bland — tone of voice.

— Personalization: AI can use data and analytics to personalize content for individuals.

— Cost-effectiveness: AI doesn't require salaries, benefits, or other costs.


— Lack of creativity: AI can't replicate the creativity and unique voice of a human.

— Limited emotional intelligence: AI can struggle with humor, irony, or emotional resonance.

— Limited contextual understanding: AI can't understand context and nuances well, which can lead to content that's overly generic or completely irrelevant.

— Not suitable for complex tasks: AI is best suited for data processing or simple content creation. For more complex tasks, such as developing a brand voice or crafting a marketing strategy, we still need human copywriters.

So yeah — no. AI isn't quite all the way there yet despite its many advantages. It can't replace the creativity and emotional intelligence that actual writers bring to the table. AI is more of a writer's tool than it is a replacement for one, and if you're going to use AI, it's best to use it alongside an actual writer. That way you get the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of AI and the creativity and emotional resonance of someone who isn't a bunch of 0's and 1's.

The Crucial Role of Human Creativity in Copywriting

AI can save time for copywriters by automating small, repetitive tasks, but that's about as far as it goes. It still lacks that human spark. When it's time to write copy with some human emotion, the importance of a real writer becomes oh-so apparent.

Copywriters bring the creativity and empathy that's necessary for storytelling. Each copywriter offers a unique perspective in their writing, one that takes into account the nuances of brand voice, messaging, and psychology. It's this human touch that makes copy come alive, something that machine learning hasn’t quite figured out yet.

The Importance of Empathy

Human perspective allows us to see the world from our audience's eyes. What makes them laugh. What makes them cry. Why they get up in the morning. It allows us to use our own experiences and emotions to create marketing that will actually mean something to someone.

People don't just buy from any brand. They buy from brands that they see themselves in. Only when we begin addressing their emotions do we actually begin providing them with solutions.

The Art of Storytelling and Emotional Connection

Copywriting is more than putting words together – it's the art of storytelling. People are naturally drawn to stories. It's how we make sense of our world and develop a deep understanding of each other.

When we write in a way that people can relate to, we create narratives they'll actually care about. We can paint a picture of what life could be like with our products or services. This gives our marketing context and allows our audience to insert our brands into their world before they even make a purchase.

The stories we tell are unique to us and help us stand out from other brands. Even if two brands share the same marketing message, they don't always share the same story. Storytelling is what sets us all apart and makes us memorable. If AI wrote all the copy, we would all blend in and sound the same.

So if you want straightforward statements or simple marketing messages, ask an AI. But if you want empathy and understanding — if you want a story — ask a writer.

Embracing The AI + Human Collaboration

Here's the fact of the matter — AI isn't going anywhere. So it's important for copywriters to see it less as competition and more as a tool.

AI and copywriters can coexist to make content even better. AI can help copywriters by providing insights, streamlining research, and improving efficiency and accuracy. But at the end of the day, AI is only as good as the prompts it receives. So it's up to copywriters to use AI to its fullest potential. In other words, it's not just about AI helping the copywriter - the copywriter also has to help the AI.

Another Tool in the Toolbelt

Since always, copywriters have relied on secret tricks of the trade to keep their creative juices flowing day in and day out. Some might turn to online dictionaries and thesauruses. Others may use programs and extensions that proofread and offer rephrasing suggestions. And there are even data banks of common idioms, colloquialisms, and phrases that can be a helpful resource.

AI is but another one of these tools copywriters can use to gain a better mastery of words. But now, AI offers a new set of tools that have previously not been accessible.

Enhancing Writing and Editing With AI Tools

One major benefit of AI is its ability to write quickly. Will any of that writing actually be usable? Maybe... maybe not. Either way, it can give copywriters a quick way to generate an outline for ideas or even offer a second take on the way something could be phrased. AI can give copywriters another way to proofread their copy, check for typos, or improve grammar. AI is like having your very own writer's assistant, which, for a copywriter, can save a sh*t ton of time.

AI can also be used for search engine optimization. By generating lists of hot keywords or scanning a piece of content for the most-used words, AI can help optimize content for search engine algorithms. AI can even rewrite content with SEO in mind, which is a big boon for website visibility and traffic.

Using AI to Streamline Research, Fact-Check, and Brainstorm

Copywriters make a lot of claims. Big claims! It's important they get all the information right, and so copywriters often spend lots of time googling and fact-checking. Chat bots can analyze vast amounts of data, such as research papers, articles, and social media posts to provide answers to a question within a second. So instead of scourging the internet, copywriters can just ask AI.

AI-powered tools can also be a copywriter's secret weapon during the brainstorming process. It's like having a second writer to think of ideas, headlines, and suggestions. And in the case of writer's block — heaven forbid — AI can jumpstart the writing process and get them headed in the right direction.

Future-Proofing the Copysmith

Okay, okay, okay. Yes. Copywriting as we know it is changing. And copywriters and content creators alike will need to be able to adapt if they want to stay ahead. And if they’re seriously worried about their career, there are a few things they can do to future-proof themselves.

Developing a Diversified Skill Set

It's important for copywriters to be creative and able to think critically in order to write high-quality copy. These skills are difficult for AI to replicate, but they are crucial in creating engaging content. So copywriters should make this a top priority. They should also focus on their storytelling skills, which can help them stand out from the more formulaic AI content templates. Taking courses in creative writing, psychology, and marketing can also help expand their skill set. Additionally, they can learn how AI works and how it can be best integrated into their writing process.

Staying Ahead With Continued Learning

"Once you stop learning, you start dying."

Albert Einstein is credited for this gem of a quote, and it's true for any industry. Continuously learning and staying updated will help everyone stay ahead, not just copywriters. 

Our advice for copywriters: read industry publications, attend conferences, workshops, and events regularly. Do it regularly. They're there for a reason. Be in the know, expand your knowledge, and connect with other professionals. Invest in yourself and your skills. Identify emerging opportunities in industries, such as marketing automation or chatbot development. This will help you learn how to work with AI, leverage its strengths while also emphasizing your own.

Verdict: Will AI Replace Copywriters?

At the end of the day, AI won't be replacing the copywriter anytime soon. Sure, it can help with research and writing, but it's missing that human touch that makes great copywriting so special. Copywriting involves subjective decision-making based on context, culture, and brand voice, which AI cannot replicate without a human writer to help it out. No $99/mo AI tool is going to match the quality output of a copywriter. But that doesn't mean we should ignore AI completely. We can use it to our advantage by incorporating it into our workflow and improving our efficiency. It's important to keep learning and growing our skills, so we can stay ahead of the game and continue creating content that resonates with our audience.

So Why Are They Worried?

If anyone tries to exclusively use AI to write copy for a project, they'll quickly realize that all they end up with is basic, watered-down, copy. So what’s the problem? Where’s the worry?

If you ask a copywriter, they'll tell you the worry isn't that the AI copy is going to be good. No. The worry is that it's going to be good enough. Good enough for agencies to not invest in a junior copywriter. Good enough for freelancers to lose out on bids. Good enough for small businesses and startups to settle on because it's free and fast. Will it replace the copywriter? No, but it will most certainly decrease the demand for one, and that’s ultimately why the copywriters are sweating.

But we want to know what you think. Are the copywriters valid in thinking that they’re next on the chopping block? Or is AI content creation just another evolution in advertising that copywriters will overcome?